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Manuka Honey Information

Lots of information about manuka honey, its benefits, and uses.

The importance of UMF®. Not all manuka honeys are UMF® rated. This is a quality mark that helps protect consumers from being misled into purchasing honey with little or no activity. Not all Manuka honeys are UMF® rated (and did you know that all honey is 'active', to some degree). Learn more on our UMF® explanation page here.

There is also quite a bit of information contained on the pages of the two most popular manuka honey products - the UMF 20+ , and the Manukacare 18+ for external use. 

Useful links through to some of the university research for you. Plus  articles that you may find informative.

Which Manuka Honeycomvita manukacaremanuka honey dressingsmedihoney derma creampot of gold skin balmumf20+ manuka honeyumf15+ manuka honeyumf10+ manuka honey 


Benefits of Manuka Honey
Active Manuka Honey - 5 tips you should know
5 Common Uses of Manuka Honey
Benefits of Honey as a Primary First Aid Resource

Manuka Honey for Eczema
Manuka Honey and MRSA
Manuka Honey for Healing Leg Ulcers

Using Manuka Honey for Pets and Animals  

Research: Nature backed by science

For information on the research that has been done into Manuka Honey, the best thing to do is direct you to the Waikato University's Honey Research Unit website.

We do provide some summaries and extracts of various other studies that have been done:

Manuka Honey Research Extracts


Watch a news video from Australian TV on Comvita's Manuka Honey and Medihoney range, and doctors' use of medical manuka honey for wounds.



We've often struggled to describe the taste of manuka honey, except to say it has quite a strong and distinct flavour that most people like - coming from New Zealand we have just grown up on its taste and consider it normal.

As professional honey tasters are hard to find, we've sought the opinion of a professional chocolate taster instead: (based on the Comvita UMF10+ honey)

Smell - molasses and caramel

Taste - molasses + raisin + dates, plus candied orange peels

Aftertaste - molasses + wood + eucalyptus 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Answers to some of the most common questions.

Information In Other Languages:

In French / En Français - A propos du Miel de Manuka  

See / Buy manuka honey products

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